Uganda 2015

As we partner with the World Outreach Ministry Foundation and Uganda Christian Outreach 

Ministries, we appreciate the passionate heart for the Christian training of children and youth in 

the rural areas, ministry leadership preparation at the Yesu Akwagala Bible College, the 

outreaches to prisoners, and the expanding number of churches in East Africa. The vision and  

leadership of Pastor Steve Mayanja and Pastor Stephen Kaweesa, along with other diligent 

servant-leaders, is a noteworthy example to other world-changers.


We have had the privilege of ministering in Japan, speaking at churches and guest-teaching at

the Kansai Bible Institute, sharing with hungry students who have dedicated themselves to 

prepare to impact their country and other nations with the Gospel. We were hosted by Japanese 

leaders such as Pastor Daiso Koyama, Pastor Takashi Yoshida, and Principal Yusaku Ota.


India -- the second most populous nation -- is filled with needs and opportunities. We enjoyed 

serving at the Central India Theological Seminary, seeing consecrated, quality students 

preparing to plant churches around that great nation. Dr. Matthew K. Thomas leads this 

leadership development ministry as well as the House of Hope Orphanages and other far-

reaching outreaches.


Bryan Johnson served on the Seattle Bible College faculty and in administrative leadership

there from 1992 through 2015. During that time-frame many international students invested in 

their own personal growth and development and therefore in the wellbeing of their fellow 

countrymen, countries and cultures by attending SBC. The school historically has also had a 

strong foreign missions emphasis. This fact complements the international student synergy to 

provide many connections around the world for the ministry of Cross-National Partners.

The Pursuit NW

It's exciting to witness a birth...and The Lord of the Harvest is sending out laborers to plant new

churches at home and abroad -- to give birth to new life. The Pursuit Northwest is a local church 

plant located in Snohomish, Wash. PNW is a multi-generational body of believers with a passion 

for God and spiritual awakening, standing for "revival in our day, and reformation in our lifetime." 

Russell Johnson serves as the Lead Pastor.